How Many Calories Does an Orgasm Burn?

How Many Calories Does an Orgasm Burn?

How many calories does an orgasm burn? Well, the female physiology is different than a man’s and there can be some discrepancies as well. However, a rough estimate would be one to two thousand calories per hour. That may not sound like a lot of calories but when you compare it to a typical forty-five minute orgasm that you and your partner experience during your regular intimate encounters the difference becomes very noticeable. This would indicate that you would burn several hundred calories more than just the normal amount of sexual activity would and at the same time be having much more fun at the same time. If you are thinking about trying something new and exotic, try the Orgasm Over the Rack program that will change your sex life forever.

A study was conducted recently in the UK by psychologists from Brunel University and Essex University. The study compared two different sexual positions and one of them involved only vaginal stimulation. The other involved men climaxing in the same area but stimulated the vulva with the tip of the penis. What the researchers found was that not only did women burn more calories when they had an orgasm; they also had longer orgasms when compared to those who did not climax. In fact, the study even indicated that the average sexytime session lasting anywhere up to sixty minutes didn’t really equal the amount of calories men burned during their orgasm.

The study was done using a questionnaire that consisted of questions regarding a range of sexual practices aimed at answering the question: “How many calories does an orgasm burn?” The subjects were men who were straight, bisexual, gay, straight, lesbian or bi-sexual. The questionnaire also required them to list any medications they were currently taking. The questionnaire was distributed to a mailing list of everyone who attended sex education classes over the previous six months and to a local optician for a mail in survey. An ovulation research technician was then sent the completed questionnaire and he compared the information to the sex educator’s advice on how many calories an orgasm burns.

The results of the questionnaire were fascinating. Not only did most women think that they were having a full sex session (they did not feel they were being deprived of any activities that a conventional intercourse would offer them), but they also thought that the extra activity did not take as long. In fact, they estimated that they were probably getting longer and more sexually stimulating sex than they were when they were not thinking about how many calories they were burning! The good news is that the study can’t be used as an accurate measuring tool for how many calories men lose or gain from full sex sessions. However, the results of the study do show how important it is for women to know how many calories they are burning during sexual activity and that help may be available for them in the form of a sex coach.

There is one question in the questionnaires that the sex educator asked that many women did not ask: How many calories does an orgasm burn? Though asked several times, the majority of women did not know the answer. The information on how many calories men lose during and following an orgasm is important to a woman trying to improve her own pelvic health. If she knows how many calories she is burning during sex and can control these numbers, she may be better able to increase her own libido by adding exercise to her daily routine.

As part of her job as a health educator, the sex educator asked the women if they were aware of how many calories an orgasm might burn. Surprisingly, only two out of ten women knew the answer. The average was two hundred calories. Most of the women had no idea that orgasms could actually cause a change in their bodies even if they did not realize that they are in a position to make changes in their bodies. They simply did not know that an orgasm could actually cause changes in their bodies even if they are not actively engaging in sex.

What is surprising is that the average sexytime session lasting anywhere between one minute to one hour actually accounts for more than three thousand calories. That means that having an orgasm can literally be the source of a large amount of extra calories! An extra two hundred calories per hour! The most important thing that the sex educator had taught the women was that an orgasm can significantly increase the amount of calories that you are burning. That knowledge alone may be enough to make the average sexytime session lasting anywhere from fifteen minutes to one hour well worth it.

Of course, the most important question is how do the women go about making these changes in their bodies? The sex educators who had taught the women how many calories an orgasm could actually burn were careful not to leave any women feeling as though they would be getting away with something or as if it was easy to cheat on their boyfriends and get away with it by way of orgasms that did not count as cravings. These educators were careful not to teach the women to feel that the extra three thousand calories were all their own doing. It was important for these women to understand that a large amount of extra calories had been counted when they had an orgasm during their average sexytime session lasting anywhere from fifteen minutes to an hour.

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